BlazeItFgt2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed space shooter for the TempleOS 64-Bit Operating System.
Released August 11th 2022, the fourth anniversary of Terry Davis' death.

Download my distro ISO and boot it in either VMware or QEMU
The TempleOS installer has been modified to provide the option of playing the game without installing TempleOS
If you choose to install TempleOS you will be getting the canonical final release (1a1ec79) modified to 60FPS and BlazeItFgt2 added to the /Home directory. You can use this as a starting point to create your own TempleOS video games.
VMware (Recommended, best performance, best PC speaker)
Configure as "Other 64bit", remove soundcard, networking. Give at least 512MB of RAM, BlazeItFgt2 will use up to 2 cores (highly recommended).
I use CTRL+ALT+WIN to escape the VM to avoid TempleOS keybind conflicts
QEMU (awful sound)
qemu-system-x86_64 -machine kernel_irqchip=off -boot d -enable-kvm -soundhw pcspk -smp 2 -m 512 -cdrom BlazeItFgt2-v0.420.ISO
-machine kernel_irqchip=off
fixes mouse+keyboard input issues
can be added to include a drive file
Probably hit "M" when the game starts to kill the sound process to avoid ear rape
Not Recommended! Extremely slow VGA BIOS. No sound.